Sunday 6 April 2008

Trip to Dubai

Today a group of SBS students left for a networking trip to Dubai. We took the 6:15 am bus to Gatwick to catch our Qatar flight via Doha in Qatar.

I have never been flying that nice. We got video on demand at our seats and the service was so outstandingly friendly.

Here are some pictures of our group of seven who travelled together. Overall we are 20 students on the trip. The rest of us arrive in Dubai from India, Jordan and other home countries where they spent the break so far.

When we arrived in Dubai our Nigerian classmate Shola was stopped by the police because a guy who set next to him on the flight from Doha to Dubai contended Shola hat used some voodoo magic on him during the flight, taking bones out of his neck and stealing him a kidney. Well, even though it sounds funny the local authorities had to pay attention to the complaint which ended in an hour discussion at the police station. Finally we could make our way to the hotel - but Shola has to go back to the airport tomorrow to get his passport back since the crazy man wants to provide x-ray evidence of the voodoo. That was a very interesting start in our networking trip and we spent some time at the hotel bar discussing how voodoo could help us all getting pretty lucrative jobs ;-)

Tomorrow at eight the official part of our trip begins with meeting Shell who generously sponsors our trip. So it's definitely time for some sleep now.

I hope I will be able to post more impressions of the trip soon.


Anonymous said...

A very funny story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nothing new in Switzerland so good luck to you all!!!


Amanda said...

Amazing article written on this blog. i like the contents of this blog Yacht Charter Dubai