Monday 8 October 2007

My first campaign or SMILE WITH YOUR VOICE

After joining Vikki for one week at Marlborough and Claire at Trinity I got my own campaign to run over two weeks in Oxford. John did the training at the first two days and then I managed the rest of the two weeks. I was a little bit nervous at the beginning but I think that´s normal. I decided not to think about all the possible barriers but to use my common sense and my experiences. It worked well: The results of the campaign are fantastic, the students liked me (Although they were sometimes a little bit surprised at my procedure and games – e.g. we all collected frameworks and rules and at the end I invited them to sign these on the poster, another time I showed them a stick under which everybody should put a finger to hold it in the high of my nose. The aim was to bring this pole in 5 minutes down to the floor without losing contact. They looked at me and smiled but it took them two trials to hit the target.) and I feel good in the things that I do – That’s the way life should be.

I am now in the office since one week and will stay here for 3 more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hallo Klaudia,

schön zu lesen, dass ihr euch allmählich einlebt und "congratulations for your first campaign". Ich wusste, dass ihr alles prima managet ;-) Mir (uns) geht es auch prima. Es macht Spaß ein wenig von zu Hause aus zu arbeiten und so "drin" zu bleiben. Und ab und zu kann ich ja die alten Kollegen im Büro besuchen. Lea wächst und ist laut Sebastian ziemlich schnuffelig. Ich schaue immer wieder mal rein, um über Leben auf der Insel auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben. Ich wünsche euch noch eine wunderschöne Zeit und viele neue & interessante Erfahrungen. Liebe Grüße
