Thursday, 20 December 2007
Christmas vacation in Germany
Using the EuroTunnel it took us only seven something hours for the 610 km from Oxford to Essen which seems to be ok if one considers the flexibility we have during our stay by having our car with us.
We will spend our time here visiting family and friends and most important: relaxing from an exhausting three months period.
Stay tuned for updates :-)
Wednesday, 19 December 2007
one year ago...
Dear Sebastian
I am delighted to confirm the decision of the MBA Committee to offer you a place on the 2007 – 2008 programme. Dr Blackmon was very impressed when she spoke to you for your interview and the MBA Committee has agreed that you meet the very high standard expected of an Oxford Student.
We hope very much that you will accept the Committee’s offer and join the 2007-2008 class. We aim to welcome another class of around 220 to the next MBA, allowing each student to benefit from close supportive and constructive relationships with Faculty.
We look forward to watching over the next few months how the profile of our incoming class develops. To give you an idea of the profile structure, the current class is made up of 214 students from over 40 countries, confirming the School’s reputation as a truly international centre of learning.
You will shortly receive your official offer letter >from Colin Mayer, Dean of the
The offer pack will contain details of your log on to our Class of 2007 - 2008 website, and discussion forum. The website is designed to help you with the practicalities of coming to
We very much hope you will become a member of the 2007 – 2008 Oxford MBA class and look forward to welcoming you to
Please feel free to contact me directly by email or phone should you have any queries or questions.
I look forward to talking to you soon.
Sally Webb
MBA Admissions Coordinator
Wow, I remember the feelings: pride, fear, gratefulness, excitement, confusion, eagerness...
Now, one year later and after the first term gratefulness is the prevailing feeling. Gratefulness especially that Klaudia is such a strong and encouraging wife, supporting me from the very first second of the MBA idea and for sure the big reason I finally made it into the program.
Thank you so much for being the pillar of strength for me, for keeping me committed, working, learning, for having an open ear and a good advise and for joining me on this trip.
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy: They are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.
** Marcel Proust (1871 - 1922) **
In addition to that a big thank you to our families and friends who are interested in what we are doing and who support us in completely different ways. I feels good to know there is someone who really cares!
Furthermore I am grateful for all the great experiences I had so far: with great lecturers, prominent speakers and classmates from more than 40 nations, some of them with the potential of becoming good friends.
Thursday, 13 December 2007
The one hour finance was though today. The trip to the exam and back to the city in a pink stretch limo hilarious.
And the post exam drinks at the turf (students do that for 800 years now) legendary.
We had Champagne and Bloody Marry instead of breakfast and are now on our way for the evening part of the celebration.
Great weather in Oxford these days... cold but sunny.
Wednesday, 12 December 2007
Only one more
Yesterday's evening was fun. We did an experiment to find out if the consumption of polish vodka can increase learning aptitude ...
The results are not yet released - we will see :-)
Another snapshot of my learning mates Katy and Nick:
The exam today was difficult for me. From the total three hours we had one hour of reading time for a case study and then got our three questions with another two hours to answer them. The case was nearly twenty pages long which definitely is a lot for people not native in English. We will see how it was in February...
This afternoon and evening is reserved for the final studies for Finance tomorrow...
The whole group is crazy about finishing the term and starting the celebrations. So am I :-)
Tuesday, 11 December 2007
2/3 completed
Attention: Funny evening with preparation for tomorrow (developing effective managers) and Thursday (finance) approaching...
50% done
Strategy seemed to be fair. We had to analyze Lego's competitive position and I found that having been an avid Lego user as a child did unfortunately not really help answering the questions.
Hard to predict results for this one but when it positively correlated with the pain in my writing hand after 75 minutes of shorthand it could be at least a pass ... Keeping fingers crossed.
Will do a bit of Decision Science practice now, take a nap and then head to the Examination hall again for number four :-)
Strategy revision
I'll know in less than 12 hours... :-)
(second) crowded study place...
Monday, 10 December 2007
Exams Part II
Financial Reporting was harder than what we had seen in the sample exams but manageable in the end. Hopefully not too many stupid mistakes :-)
Will spend the evening studying for tomorrow's Strategy and Decision Science and for Wednesday's Developing effective managers. And when there is time left tonight I may even do another Finance Exam in preparation for Thursday! Yippee! :-)
We took our first exam in Managerial Economic this morning. One hour with "price discrimination", "Nash Equilibrium" and "Monopoly" :-)
The exams seemed to be fair. We will see what I think when results are published (not before February...)
By the way: Did you ever take an exam in a black suite, white shirt, white bow tie and the funny gown? Feels a bit strange but is fun ;-)
At 2.30 pm we will take Financial Reporting... Keep tuned for updates :-)
Saturday, 8 December 2007
running again
For this reason and with the European MBA Olympics (MBAT) in next year’s spring we planned to have a first run with the SAID Business School’s running team. Heavy studying, rain and the early time are hopefully the only reasons why only three avid runners turned up...
We did a nice run of 1:15h (here is the route we took) and even managed to take a picture at the University Parks Sports Grounds in front of a sign remembering Roger Bannister running a mile in less than 4 minutes ever.
Daniel who took the picture is unfortunately not on the photo...
So... Enough for the moment... Back to Managerial Economic, Financial Reporting and all my other good friends. There is still lots of work to do...